Metaverse – a step into the future.

Let’s start from the beginning. The term “metaverse” comes from the 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”. It’s a combination of “meta” and “universe.

Metaverse is a network of three-dimensional virtual worlds focused on the communication of society. In Futurism and Science Fiction, metaverse describes itself as a virtual world that we can use with AR apps and VR headsets. The whole involves the integration of virtual and physical spaces. Including the virtual economy, with great interest in the development of VR technologies. This allows you to meet or see other people and develop entire companies and businesses. You can learn more about VR and AR from the previous blog posts😊

The term “metaverse” was used as a buzzword for public relations. The purpose was to talk about advances and technological developments that are gaining momentum. This can be seen from the fact that Mark Zuckerberg announced on Facebook Connect 21 the renaming of “Facebook” to “Meta”. This event could certainly have been considered important for the virtual reality industry of the previous year. Apart from some indications for a name change, Meta wants to be associated with the online revolution and will focus on the development of AR/VR technology in the coming years.

It is worth mentioning that metaverse cannot be misappropriated. There is no owner, there are only co-creators. Therefore, this is a great opportunity for companies and business that want to move into a new virtual environment. It could be even compared with the time of the emergence of the Internet. The next development of digital platforms and the successor of today’s Internet? Everything is slowly being introduced and tested. Suddenly, it may already exist, work and can dominate the virtual market.

The future is getting closer.

It can be said that society in today’s world is to some extent addicted to new technologies and digital solutions. Hard to deny when they accompany us every step at every step. The simplest examples are shopping, communication, education or work. Thanks to metaverse, when we put on VR goggles, we can go to a store, a concert or the office without having to leave the house. For thousands of companies, this opens a completely new reality. Which they can shift their tasks or develop completely new solutions for their customers. One of the most popular fashion brands (H&M) has shown a proof-of-concept store in the virtual city. It is placed in Ceek City (metaverse), where customers can view and buy the store’s digital collection.


In conclusion, metaverse is intended to convey deeper experiences of activities and sensations that we know now. So that we are not just observers when communicating via the Internet, but active participants within the Internet. The same applies to the mentioned above concerts, sports or cultural events.

It should not be forgotten that new technology always brings with it many unknowns, and doubts about this will be dispelled over time. If you liked the article and would like to learn more about metaverse, let us know and visit our blog😊